Account Registration
Welcome to apply the degree programs of Macau University of Science and Technology, please provide the following information to create an Online Application Account.

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Type of Program *:
Registration DateProgram Type
2月14-29日 本澳
2月14-29日 原校預科報讀本科學生
6月下旬 香港及台灣生
The application period of postgraduate programs is from January 17 to April 30, 2012.
報名日期為: 參照招生簡章
Type of ID Card *:
ID Card No. *:
(Please fill in the numbers/letters/dot(s)/stroke(s)/bracket(s) as shown on your ID card and please be aware that they are case sensitive.)
Last Name *:  (Please fill in your Last Name as shown on your identification document, for example: Chen)
First Name *:  (Please fill in your First Name as shown on your identification document, for example: Dawen)
Name in Chinese (Please fill in N/A if not applicable) *:  
Gender *: Male Female
Date of Birth *:
E-mail Address *:
Please ensure the e-mail address entered is valid as the University will send relevant admission information and notices through e-mail.
Enter your e-mail address again to confirm *:
Input the displayed number *:  
Macau University of Science and Technology
Declaration on the Collection of Personal Data
  1. This Declaration serves to inform applicants of the relevant privileges in providing personal information as stipulated in the "Personal Data Protection Act" of Macau.
  2. The personal data collected via an application for admission on the MUST website will be used as:
    • The basic evidence for admission to the University.
    • The proof of authenticity against which the applicant's examination results, student profile and other information will be verified.
    • The components of the student profile once the student is being granted admission; the personal data will be used for the purpose of education and teaching, scientific research, university administration, student management and other activities as regulated by law.
  3. The personal data will be treated with strict confidentiality and will be used and managed by MUST, its subsidiaries and its staff.
  4. There is a risk of exposure of personal data submitted online to, or even usage without permission by, a third party due to internet security causes.
  5. In compliance with the "Personal Data Protection Act" of Macau, applicants who have completed filling in the personal data, under necessary circumstances, have the rights of data access and revision.
  6. The applicant may request for data access and revision of his/her own personal data following the procedures as stipulated by MUST.
Declaration of the Applicant
  1. I hereby acknowledge that I have understood the relevant regulations of the "Personal Data Protection Act".
  2. I have read the "MUST Declaration on the Collection of Personal Data", comprehend all of the contents and hereby agree to abide by it.
  3. I hereby authorize MUST, in processing my application for admission, to collect, use and verify my personal data and collect data from entities concerned when deemed necessary.
  4. I hereby authorize MUST to obtain the data completed in the application form such as examination results, academic files, licenses and qualifications, and the information alike; and the transference of the abovementioned materials to MUST by other entities for the purpose of processing my application for admission to the University.
  5. I fully comprehend and accept: Once my application is approved, all the data submitted will form part of my student profile and will be used for all the purposes of MUST as approved or regulated by law.
  6. I hereby declare: All the data as completed on the application for admission is true, accurate and complete, and I understand that the provision of any false and inaccurate data will lead to the rejection of application or disqualification of admission.

I have known and understood the "Declaration on the Collection of Personal Data" by MUST, and hereby state the above declaration.

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* Fields marked with a "*" are mandatory fields and must be entered.